Lately, during my choreographic research, I started noticing how familiar tunes make me do spontaneous and surprising things: my body finds postures dynamics, and movements without making a conscious effort. Something about finding the unknown through the known has captivated me.
My first creation The Goldfish and the Inner Tube, in collaboration with Stéphane Vecchione, was an explosive exploration including sound, materials and bodies. For fantasia, my choreographic research focuses on the body and its musicality, delving into the intimate layers of my physical and emotional memories triggered by the classical music I listened to as a child.
Stepping into an empty space, a white room, I invoke, play, dialogue, embody and fight with these musical recollections, using color to punctuate and organize them, in an abstract auto portrait. My body, shifting from projection screen, to human figure, to animal-like creature, to musical instrument, or to simple vibration, takes on, conducts, and questions the notion of what is intimate and what is collective.
- 18.11.2024Musée de l’Orangerie, Paris, France
- 31.01–04.02.2024Théâtre de la Ville, Paris, France
- 26.11.2023GAM, Santiago de Chili, CL
- 12.11.2023Bienal Internacional de danza de Cali, Colombia
- 16.09.2023Impact Festival, CCN2 Grenoble, France
- 12.06.2023Festival Tours d’Horizons/CCNT Centre chorégraphique national de Tours, France
- 10–16.07.2022Sélection Suisse en Avignon, Les Hivernales
- 10–12.02.2022Arsenic, Lausanne (reprise!!!)
- 05.02.2022Swiss Dance Days, Basel, Switzerland
- 08.10.2021FIT, Lugano
- 12–14.08.2021Impulstanz, Vienna
- 20–21.04.2021ADN, Danse Neuchâtel (Temple Allemand, La Chaux -de-Fonds)
- 05.02.2021Swiss Dance Days, Basel (Cancelled)
- 28–29.11.2020Gessnerallee, Zurich
- 01.11.2020Tanzsolofestival, Bonn
- 08.10.2020FIT, Lugano (cancelled)
- 02–04.08.2020ImPulsTanz, Vienna (cancelled)
- 04–05.06.2020Südpol, Luzern, Switzerland (cancelled)
- 20–24.11.2019Arsenic, Lausanne, Switzerland
- 12–13.11.2019Atelier de Paris/CDCN, Vincennes, France
- 30.10–03.11.2019ADC, Geneva, Switzerland (première)