Fun TimesBlast!Delicate PeoplefantasiaInner TubesThe Goldfish and the Inner TubeCalico Mingling, Katema, Reclining Rondo, Particular ReelScarlett’s ScaredPastime, Carnation, Museum PieceScarlett’s FallCosas Rosas

Calico Mingling, Katema, Reclining Rondo, Particular Reel


Creation 2017

Choreography: Lucinda Childs
Dance: Ruth Childs, Stéphanie Bayle or Karine Dahouindji or Anja Schmidt, Anne Delahaye or Marthe Krummenacher, Pauline Wassermann
Assistant: Ty Boomershine
Light design: Joana Oliveira
Costumes: Severine Besson
Technical direction (creation): Joana Oliveira (creation)
Technical direction (from 2025): Rodolphe Martin
Administration, production & diffusion: Lise Leclerc & Cecilia Lubrano
Production: Scarlett’s

Coproduction: La Batie Festival de Genève, Arsenic, Lausanne
Support: City of Geneva, Pro Helvetia, Fondation Suisse des Artistes Interprètes, Fond Mécénat SIG, Fondation Nestlé pour l’art, Stanley Thomas Johnson Foundation, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Corodis, Loterie Romande

Photos: Mehdi Benkler

Creation file

In 2015, Lucinda Childs transmitted three of her iconic solos from the 60’ to Ruth Childs. This first artistic encounter gave birth to the recreation of Pastime (1963), Carnation (1964), and Museum Piece (1965).  Two years after her first successful collaboration, Ruth Childs continues to revive her aunt’s dances through a second series of performances created in the 70s: Particular Reel (1973), Calico Mingling (1973), Reclining Rondo (1975) and Katema (1978). This program focuses on the choreographer’s aesthetic transition prior to the creation of her now-famous Dance show in 1979.

Past Shows
  • 13–15.10.2023
    Kyoto Experiment, Kyoto, Japan
  • 03–04.05.2023
    CCN de Caen en Normandie, France
  • 18.03.2022
    Dance Reflections Van Kleef and Arpels Festival ROH, London
  • 14.03.2022
    Musée de l’Orangerie, Paris
  • 28–29.11.2019
    MOD, Marseille, France
  • 07.09.2019
    Akademie der Künste, Berlin, Germany
  • 24.02.2019
    Museo Reina Sofia, Madrid, Spain (Katema)
  • 25.01–27.02.2019
    Festival Trajectoires, Le Lieu Unique, Nantes, France
  • 24.11.2018
    CoFestival, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • 20.10.2018
    Centre Pompidou/FIAC, Paris, France
  • 29.09.2018
    Centre Pompidou, Malaga, Spain (Katema, Particular Reel)
  • 01.09.2018
    Performance Reihe, Zurich, Switzerland (Calico Mingling, Katema)
  • 16.06.2018
    Kanal-Centre Pompidou, Brussels, Belgium
  • 22–25.05.2018
    Programme Commun, Arsenic, Lausanne, Switzerland
  • 06.05.2018
    Fous de Danse, Rennes, France (Calico Mingling)
  • 01.10.2017
    Fous de Danse, Festival d’Automne, Paris, France (Calico Mingling)
  • 24.09.2017
    Museo Vincenzo Vela, Ligornetto, Switzerland (Reclining Rondo, Katema)
  • 10.09.2017
    Fous de Danse, Volksbühne, Berlin, Germany (Calico Mingling)
  • 02–04.09.2017
    La Bâtie Festival, Geneva, Switzerland (Première)
  • 08–09.07.2017
    Kunsthaus, Zurich, Switzerland (Katema preview)